Monday, July 14, 2008

High seas, mind altering art and the causes of a sore bum!

I'm utterly exhausted today. Not the best way to start a long overdue entry in this blog but, say what you feel n all that and... yep, I'm exhausted. It's a tiredness born out of a hectic weekend of outdoor activity rather than excessive boozing which is a good thing really but nonetheless has left me pooped!

It was a big wkend for me this year as for the first time since it began back in the days of its Witnness moniker, I opted not to venture down to Punchestown to battle with the mud and portaloo hell to see what was really a cracking line up of music. I was a little sad, but Oxegen has become a very different place from where it began and its a sign I'm getting older as I avoid the drunken youngsters full of beans and unbounded enthusiasm. I vowed after last years debacle of mud and underage boozing that I would avoid it from now on. It wasn't easy though with a lineup to die for.

So, to keep my mind off it I took to the seas and went sailing for the first time in my life which was great crack, and not just easy sailing, it was a proper race. I hadn't a bog what I was doing but i really enjoyed pulling ropes, avoiding the boom as it swung back and forth and most of all hanging my legs over the side as the boat cruised through the water. Even the rain hitting us hard in the face at one point at a 90 degree angle was invigorating. I'll be back I think. The next day I took advantage of the good weather and climbed to the top of Glendalough with some friends. Memories flooded back to school trips, with bus journey's and packed lunches. A time when the innocence of youth protected us from the realms of the real world and life was a much simpler place to be. For a moment I longed for that time and the safety blanket we all felt wrapped in. Then I was brought back to the the Now as a 99 icecream as placed in my hand and life became a very good place to be!

In other news, a trip to IMMA last weekend proved very interesting as we stumbled across a solo show by a German-Brazilian artist called Janaina Tschäpe. It was a real thought provoker. The photo's initially look like stunning close ups of tropical flowers and plants and then you start to notice hands and feet and faces amongst the colours and textures. It turns out , this exhibition is structured around the genetics of this fabled beast called Chimera from ancient myth, to create a very specific atmosphere. The exhibition focuses on Tschäpe’s recent paintings that embody a sense of the extraordinary through bright and colourful botanical notations. The pictures create a wierd atmosphere of beauty and surrealism which all make for an uneasy feeling. They take you out of your comfort zone by confusing and delighting at the same time. Thoroughly recommded but prepared to feel a little unnerved afterwards.

In further news, I have discovered a new thing... the sciatic nerve. It turns out that it's this nasty bugger of a nerve that has been preventing me from running the last couple of weeks and is the reason why I've been walking like a 70 year old arthritic with a hip replacement. A trip to the physio confirmed this for me and after a some hard massage leaving me with a brusied bum I walked away wishing that I had opted for my car instead of my bike to get there! It's a funny thing though when your forced out of action due to an injury. All I want to do now is run, more than ever. I get jealous of other people running, i look longingly at other runners and wish I could be right there along side them. i-pod in ears! I tell you, never, ever take the things you do for granted because when you can't do them, it sucks. I'll never curse again when I'm getting up a 7am to hit a 10 mile run because, at the moment its all i want to do and I can't...

On the music side of life, I was proud to be the only person at a table quiz over the weekend to get the right answer to the question "Who played bass guitar in the beatles?"... of course it was Paul McCartney but no-one, not even my team members thought I was right... doubters!! I stuck to my guns and we grabbed that much needed extra point. As you can see, this has still effected me... I should probably get over it but surely the little victories should be held on to!

So what am i listening to? Well I'm sharing Nomar's love of the Fleet Foxes, their upbeat harmonies are a joy...

Richie Havens - he's a legend and his voice carries folky depth and a storytelling quality. This gem says it all (ignore the dodgy video). The more I discover of him the more I love him.

The Raconteurs - Their 2nd album was a dissapointment to me after loving the first but I rediscovered it recently and actually, I think I just didn't give it enough time... there are some brilliant tunes on it...this one included.

By for now...

1 comment:

Nomar said...

Is that you in the sailor outfit?
Hello Sailor!