Monday, June 30, 2008

Warning: Needs to be read with icecream or smiley face at hand

True to form and blog title i have spent this evening procrastinating. Will i or won't i say something? Will I mention that big elephant in the room or not. Is it the weekends drink and fear making me worry about it should I just chill out. Things are good as is, are labels really needed? I think not. But no gang, (i say gang altho i think you are a grand total of 3) I took the plunge and said something. It went fairly well by all standards but now its thrown me into further turmoil because I'm wondering if I should have said anything at all. Will things now change? Why do woman have a natural inclination to over-analyse? Are men the same? OK, I'm now turning into Carrie Bradshaw so I will stop and get onto the important words of the day.

First and most importantly, Saturday night and Morrissey. I have found myself in recent years developing a minor facsination (bordering on mild obsession) with the man. I've done the whole thing backwards and got into his new stuff first and then weaved my way back to the Smiths, all the while developing a major crush on him. For someone who has been so enigmatic and guarded in terms of his life and sexuality he just seems to ooze sex appeal. So when he arrived on stage I nearly fell over with the rush of it all and then as he kicked off with "Irish Blood, English Heart" I thought I'd never be happier. It didn't last though... the show thereafter settled into a random selection of tunes alot of which the crowd weren't overly familiar with. He barely even skimmed the surface of Smiths songs too... i suppose when you have such a repetoir of music you can't please everyone but the general concensous among the crew i was with was that the jury is still out on the performance. still though it was a great night, if even to see the mad selection of outfits and moz haircuts on show.

In other news... I saw a fatal crash yesterday. Well not the actual crash but the crime scene. Yellow tape, Gardai, the bus still standing, motionless in the middle of the wide road with the mangled bike lying limp beside it looking so tiny compared to the doubledecker. It was a spooky scene and as we flicked on the radio to hear the news of what had happened we kind of lost words momentarily, imagining the scene and the poor soul who lost his life in that split second. Reminded me of this thought provoker. Belt up kids!

On a lighter note, lets get into some of the music that's been floating my boat this week...

James Yuill - Nomar mentioned him on Day 97 but I frankly think he deserves a second mention, brilliant stuff

Tricky - New album out early July, if early indications are a reflection of the rest of the album then we're in for a treat.

Black Tide - Outrageously talented and young guys channeling the early days GnR and Metallica in a very good way

Night now.

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